Ein Anderes Duisburg
Web documentary about racism, migration and solidarity

Remembering migration - creating anti-racist cities
“Ein Anderes Duisburg” (Another Duisburg) is a web documentary about racism, migration and solidarity. With historical documents, photos and video interviews with contemporary witnesses, the web documentary archives vivid experiences of migration, flight, racism and anti-Semitism as well as resistance and self-organization in solidarity. Various episodes make unheard stories visible and audible.
The color design of the website is based on cassette covers by musicians who were popular among guest workers in the Ruhr area in the 50s and 60s. The story is set in a narrative framework from the perspective of the fictional protagonist Cema (illustrated by Irem Kurt). Typographically, it is set in “Arbeiter Neue Mono”, a font in which the typographer Murathan Biliktü processes his grandfather's experiences as a migrant worker.

The web documentation is part of the project “Ein Anderes Duisburg. Remembering migration - creating anti-racist cities”. In addition to the web documentation, the Tarık-Turhan Gallery has been set up. City talks are taking place, an archive collection is being created and a cross-community, civil society advisory board is supporting the project.